
AWS EC2 tips

Instance name

Instance list > the row > the column > hover your mouse and press the edit button

Consistent IP address

  1. Open an instance detail page
  2. Side bar > Network & Security > Elastic IPs
  3. Allocate Elastic IP address at top right
  4. Select the new one
  5. Actions (at top right) > Associate Elastic IP address

Ports and firewall

  1. Instance details > Security > Security groups > the one
  2. Edit inbound rules > Add rules

Disk size

  1. Instance details > Storage > Block devices > the one
  2. Open the volume
  3. Modify (right top)
  4. Update "Size (GiB)"
  5. Follow the instruction: Extend a Linux file system after resizing a volume - Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud
$ sudo growpart /dev/nvme0n1 1
$ sudo xfs_growfs -d /
$ sudo xfs_growfs -d /data